This weekend the 34th Annual Mount Dora Arts Festival will be held
in downtown Mt dora, Florida. The show is set around the historic
downtown area and is centered on the intersection of Donnelly and 5th
We will be in the show
displaying our porcelain pet portraits. Come to the show and see our
work in person. To get an idea of what we do go to our website
We have an online gallery of our work and some information on how we do our porcelain portraits.
We recently completed two portraits of Charma, a Papillion. Charma has
beautiful eyes and the distivctive ears of the Papillion. The first
photograph we recieved of Charma had the top 1/3 of the ears cropped
off. In Papillions', the pattern of tufts on the ears are unique to the
individual, so we waited for a picture with the whole ear. The wait
ended up being nine months. The pictures of Charma were worth the wait.
As she grew up her ears became like the butterfly wings for which the
breed is named. We did the first tile of Charma in a face on view. We
put this image on a horizontal tile to show the butterfly wings of her ears.
The second tile is a 3/4 face with Charma's white chest showing over blue swirls and a field of 22k gold.
She was fun to do and the images seemed to jump on to the porcelain tiles.
On the weekend of January 31-February 1, 2009 we displayed our work at the
Museum of Art: Ft Lauderdale National Art Show. Many people came out to
support the arts and there were bunches of animal lovers. the portraits
we do seem to bring in stories of pets people have known and cherished.
One petite lady of maybe 5', walks Irish Wolfhounds at a rescue center
out west. Instead of dragging her over the mountains, the wolfhounds
seem protective and considerate of this tiny creature walking them.
Everyone seems to enjoy looking at our portraits and touching the images.